Orientation 1

Here is some pre-work to complete by our next orientation on Tuesday, February 18th. We’ll use the orientation time to reflect on your insights from these exercises.

Jump into these exercises and experience both the self-discovery and external outcomes that will come as a result of you investing your time and energy!

  1. Stretch Goals (1-3 outcomes you’d like to achieve by December. Do you want a new role? Bigger project? Promotion and/or salary increase? The more measurable you make them, the easier to slay! We’ll track your milestones together).

  2. Beliefs Inventory attached (journal prompts to uncover your limiting beliefs and what to shift).

  3. Complete The Confidence Cocktail™ assessment attached (to help you become a clear, compelling, and credible communicator). Keep your ratings because you’ll take this again in November and compare the difference.