Orientation 2
Pre-Work and Assessments (From Karen Laos and team)
Complete DiSC assessment (link coming via separate email).
Create a Celebration Portfolio: a list of your accomplishments and your character assets (why do people like working with you and/or what are you most proud of about who you are?).
Ask 5 people who you know and trust to give you 5 positive qualities about you, ideally from different areas of your life, such as work, community, family, friends, etc. (bring the answers compiled to the practicum).
Write a letter to yourself, dated Dec 1, 2025, and bring it in a stamped envelope addressed to you. What word of celebration and encouragement do you want to give yourself when you've completed this program? I will be mailing these to you in December. Just in time for the holidays!
Optional read: Grit, Growth and Gumption for Women by Tinsley English
Pre-Work from Other Speakers
MGM Etiquette (Communicate with Impact & Executive Presence)
Complete items in linked form below.
Oakbay Consulting (Negotiations)
Complete this linked form by Tuesday, March 4th -
Read this article. – Learning How to Learn to Negotiate by Scott Peppet and Michael Moffitt